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Are you looking for an expert roundup? 


  • Insights from thought leaders
  • Boost credibility and authority
  • Generate backlinks
  • Increase social shares
  • Build meaningful relationships
  • Improve EAT
  • Handpicked expert opinions
  • 100% original human insights
  • Customized graphics for blog
  • In-depth survey reports


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    By submitting this form, you acknowledge that you have read and accept our terms & conditions, privacy policy, and comply with our Eligibility Criteria.


    STEP 1 >>

    Submit a round up request by filling out the given form.

    STEP 2 >>

    If approved, our team will begin collecting responses from experts.

    STEP 3 >>

    We start filtering responses based on parameters like relevance, uniqueness, expert credability and run the plag. & AI scan.


    Our team will then craft and deliver a ready-to-publish round up post with custom graphics.

    collecting Insights from the thought leaders


    We believe in the power of expertise. Our approach involves reaching out to industry thought leaders, collecting their unique insights, and filtering them based on their out-of-the-box ideas. This ensures that your article is filled with real-life experiences and firsthand knowledge from the experts themselves.

    What Is An Expert Roundup, BTW?

    An expert roundup is like a group discussion where experts in a particular field share their advice, tips, or insights on a specific topic or question, creating a valuable collection of diverse opinions. 

    It provides firsthand knowledge from those who have ‘been there, done that,’ offering insider explanation on the topic that your readers cannot find anywhere else.


    Credibility Boost: Expert opinions and endorsements enhance the credibility of your content.

    Brand Awarness: It helps you get in front of people who never heard of your brand before, increasing your media presence and branding.

    Authority Building: It establishes your blog as an authority in your industry, attracting a larger audience.

    SEO Advantages: High-quality content with expert contributions can lead to increase EEAT score and improved search engine rankings.

    Networking Opportunities: Collaborating with experts can open doors for partnerships, collaborations, and networking.

    Diverse Perspectives: Readers gain access to a variety of viewpoints and strategies.

    In-Depth Insights: Experts provide practical advice and real-world experiences.

    Shareability: Expert-contributed content is highly shareable, increasing your brands reach to new audience.


    While expert roundups are valuable, they come with challenges, including:

    • Finding the Right Experts: Identifying and reaching out to suitable experts can be time-consuming and daunting.
    • Content Quality: Ensuring that each expert’s contribution aligns with your content’s quality standards can be a complex task.
    • Expert Availability: Experts often have busy schedules, making it challenging to secure their participation in a timely manner.
    • Content Coordination: Coordinating and organizing contributions from multiple experts while maintaining a cohesive narrative can be complex.
    • Expertise Verification: Ensuring the credibility and expertise of participating experts is crucial, as inaccurate information can harm your reputation.
    • Content Originality: Maintaining the originality of content when multiple contributors are addressing similar topics requires careful editing and structuring.
    • Time Sensitivity: Some topics may require quick responses from experts, making it essential to manage time effectively.
    • Content Formatting: Formatting the article to accommodate different contributions while maintaining readability can be demanding.
    • Engagement and Follow-Up: Keeping experts engaged and ensuring they promote the article after publication can be an ongoing effort.


    Here’s how we can assist you at every step of the way creating your first roundup blog post:

    1. Extensive Network of Proactive Sources: We have built a vast network of experts across various industries, ensuring that you have access to the right professionals for your roundup articles.

    2. Administrative Support: Our dedicated team handles the administrative work, including posting questions to experts, reaching out to them, and collecting their opinions.

    3. Thorough Verification: We conduct thorough checks to ensure the authenticity of experts, so you can trust the credibility of their contributions.

    4. Quality Assurance: Our team ensures that AI-generated content is not used in responses, maintaining the quality and authenticity of the content.

    5. Sorting and Filtering: We meticulously sort and filter contributions and include only valuable opinions from industry leaders.

    6. Polls and Surveys: We conduct relevant polls and surveys as part of the research which enhances the depth of your article with unique statistics.

    7. Attribution and Formatting: We properly attribute each contributor’s contribution and format the article for readability and engagement.

    8. Visual Graphics: Our team also creates a customized banner for your article. We also provides some shareable graphics with individual quotes to boost content sharing.

    9. Ready-to-Publish Content: You receive a final, finished, and ready-to-publish article for your blog.

    10. Post-Publication Support: After the article is published on your blog, a dedicated team member will reach out to each contributor, reminding them to share the article and mention it in their “AS SEEN” section.


    We understand the value of high-quality content and its impact on your blog’s success.

    That’s why at PressPitch, we’re committed to making the process of creating expert roundup articles accessible to everyone.

    Our pricing model is simple: It’s $20 per roundup.

    Yes, you read that right.

    You can take advantage of our extensive network of experts, administrative support, editorial assistance and all the services mentioned above in $20.

    How Can It Be so inexpensive?

    You might be wondering how we can offer this incredible service for just $20. 

    Well, here’s how: 

    We charge a minimal amount from our network of experts for their participation and contributions in expert roundups.

    It not only keeps our finances in order, but also prevents spammy responses, keeping our services affordable for you.

    We want to foster a community-driven content that benefits both our sources, who gain exposure, and you, who receive top-notch content for your blog.

    Fair enough? 

    Just fill out this form to request EXPERT ROUNDUP ARTICLE to engage  with experts & create SHARABLE ASSET on your website., AT $20 ONLY!!!




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      By submitting this form, you acknowledge that you have read and accept our terms & conditions, privacy policy, and comply with our Eligibility Criteria.

      PressPitch: Your Partner in Expert Roundup!